With these desolate days of winter upon us, we can all use some cheering up around this time, and there’s no better way than with some flowers.Jonathan’s a master gardener with a two green thumbs and eight green fingers. Each year in December, he begins the process of forcing the paper-white narcissus bulbs which will eventually enliven the house and the shop. Just pop a few bulbs into a shallow container, add pebbles, small river rocks or glass marbles to stabilize the bulbs, and then fill to the widest part of the bulb with water.
In a cool room, blooming paper-whites will last for up to two weeks. If they get top-heavy, just tie them up, or give them a shot of vodka – that’s supposed to keep their stems stiff!
They’re so cheery with their bright white petals, sunny yellow stamens and long green stems.
You might not know it, but you can cut paper-whites just like you cut daffodils and they’ll keep for several days in a vase.
If you aren’t crazy about the scent of paper-whites, Halcyon House has another cheery option.How about these great botanic print pillows? The pillows have antique, hand-colored botanical prints screened onto silk and made into pillows.
A row of these across the back of a sofa would certainly let everyone know that spring is coming!
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