Thursday, October 17, 2013
Monday, October 14, 2013
L’Heure Bleu
Blue… it’s a color that conjures up bright skies, clear lakes, a huge ocean, and, if you’re in Texas, acres of bluebonnet flowers. At Halcyon House Antiques, we have blues of all shades from turquoise and aqua to the deepest nearly black blue.
Let’s take a look at our blues.
Opaline blue vases in wonderful unusual shapes
Cache pots and napkins, trays and plates.
Blue transferware china. Always a classic.
Acrylic bubble glasses in turquoise and royal blue.
We hope that you don’t have the blues!
As always, if you see anything here that interests you, please contact Eric at our shop!
Friday, October 11, 2013
Orange You Glad…
That it’s finally fall? After those couple of crazy 85* days last week, it’s finally settled into fall!
That means we’ve broken out the orange accessories for your fall looks. This bracelet is amazing… orange “coral” and rhinestones in a great classical design.
While you might be tempted to pair this with a black sweater on Halloween, it’s more sophisticated than that.
Are you happy it’s fall?
As always, if you’re interested in anything you see here, please contact Eric at the shop!
Monday, October 07, 2013
Pup Pillows
No, not a pillow for your pup, but a pup pillow for you! We just got these in and knowing our clients who LOVE their dogs, they won’t stay in stock for long. First up, our beloved Jack Russell! We have one or two three of these over at the farm.
We have Labradors in yellow and black.
And dachshunds! All of the pillows are done in petite point and standard needlepoint, and they all have trims that echo the colors on the pillows. They will be a great gift for someone who is a dog-lover, or you can just buy one to celebrate your favorite breed.
As ever, if you’re interested in something you see here, please contact Eric at the shop.